Improve energy efficiency ( in the use of Energy using existing technologies and increasing efficiency on all scales)
RTD on retrofitting of buildings and districts:
- Structural integrity of buildings to be insulated heavily
- Passivhaus retrofitting
- BIM strategies: to reduce resources associated to the design phase and improve the decision making and reduce cost, timing and quality in the construction phase
- Actions to reduce energy demand in existing districts after retrofitting
Changing energy sources (by decarbonising our current Energy "diet" redirecting the Energy production towards RES)
RTD on generation and distribution facilities for heating and cooling at district scale:
- Low temperature district heating deployment
- Variable flow pumping systems and advanced control systems
- DH&C inertia and generation response time to reduce energy consumption
- Heating and cooling almost 100% renewables
- Actions to improve efficiency, share of RES and control strategies after retrofitting