The Final Nottingham REMOURBAN Conference on the 17th October 2019 is an opportunity to learn from 5 years of theory into action and delivery on active and passive energy, transport and SMART systems. REMOURBAN in Nottingham has demonstrated Low Temperature District Heating, battery storage, mini integrated renewable energy systems, ultra low energy homes (Energiesprong), energy efficiency in the private sector, a charging system for electric buses, electric vehicle Last Mile Delivery and an EV hire club.
In addition the Conference will focus on the 2028 Nottingham Net Zero target and, in 2 Workshops, look at approaches on evaluating needs, setting targets and making action plans on Climate Change and regeneration.
All enquiries to
Venue: NTU Conference Centre. Adams Room
See the agenda below:
09h30 – 09h45 | Registration and coffee |
09h45 – 10h00 | Welcome and introduction Owen Harvey | REMOURBAN site leader. Nottingham City Council Miguel Á. García-Fuentes | REMOURBAN Project Coordinator. CARTIF |
10h00 – 10h15 | Keynote speaker: Nottingham’s 2028 carbon neutrality aspiration Sally Longford |Deputy Leader. Nottingham City Council Wayne Bexton |Head of Energy Services. Nottingham City Council |
10h15 – 10h45 | Nottingham’s approach to be the first UK carbon neutral city Jonathan Ward | Principal Energy Policy Officer. Nottingham City Council |
10h45 – 11h15 | REMOURBAN: transforming EU cities towards smarter environments Miguel Á. García-Fuentes | REMOURBAN Project Coordinator. CARTIF |
11h15 – 11h30 | Coffee break |
11h30 – 11h45 | Nottingham – A Lighthouse City Owen Harvey | REMOURBAN site leader. Nottingham City Council |
11h45 – 12h00 | WeGo – Sustainable transport SME in ultra low carbon delivery service. Helen Brewin | Managing Director. WeGo |
12h00 – 12h15 | Innovative models for energy efficient buildings and the road ahead Emily Braham | Head of Sustainable Energy, Nottingham City Homes |
12h15 – 13h00 | REMOURBAN in Nottingham - Q&A discussion on implementing the REMOURBAN smart cities and carbon reduction programme Owen Harvey | REMOURBAN site leader. Nottingham City Council Emily Braham | Head of Sustainable Energy, Nottingham City Homes Richard Wellings | Principal Public Transport Officer. Nottingham City Council Philip Angus | Chief Exec. Nottingham Energy Partnership Helen Brewin | Managing Director. WeGo Evtim Peytchev | Associate Professor, Nottingham Trent University |
13h00 – 13h45 | Lunch break |
13h45 – 14h15 | Workshop: SCATTER (Setting City Area Targets and Trajectories for Emissions Reduction) SCATTER is a free tool that allows local authorities to access their greenhouse gas emissions and build pathways for emissions reduction. SCATTER also provides local authorities and city regions with the opportunity to standardise their greenhouse gas reporting easily and align to international frameworks, including the setting of targets in line with the Paris Climate Agreement. - SCATTER can be used to develop a credible decarbonisation pathway for a local authority to implement in line with their emissions reduction targets
- Outputs can then be used for stakeholder engagement to create a collaborative carbon reduction approach
- Free for UK local and combined authorities to use
This session will include a demo of the tool and overview of how the information from the tool can be used in creating localised carbon reduction reports. Sara Telahoun | Sustainability Senior Consultant. Anthesis Jonathan Ward | Principal Energy Policy Officer. Nottingham City Council |
14h15– 15h00 | Workshop: Urban Regeneration Model The Urban Regeneration Model (URM) developed within REMOURBAN provides solutions in both technical and non-technical fields addressing the temporal goals, the main Smart City enablers within the transformation process –towards a more sustainable and smarter environment– and innovations in the key priority areas of energy, mobility and ICTs. Furthermore, the objective is unique: to accelerate the transformation of European cities (urban areas) into smarter places of advanced social progress and environmental regeneration, as well as places of attraction and engines of economic growth. This workshop will present this model which is composed of several phases and decision making processes that aim to support the understanding of the city objectives and needs in order to implement a set of strategies for a sustainable and smartness-oriented regeneration of the city. Esra Demir | Founding Partner. DEMIR Enerji Cristina de Torre | REMOURBAN Deputy Project Coordinator. CARTIF |
15h00 – 15h15 | Coffee break |
15h15 – 16h00 | Panel debate: The need for a municipal action in carbon reduction Jonathan Ward | Principal Energy Policy Officer. Nottingham City Council Richard Bull | Deputy Dean School of Architecture, Design and Built Environment. Nottingham Trent University Ming Sun | Associate Dean for Research, School of Architecture, Design and the Built Environment. Nottingham Trent University |
16h00 – 16h15 | Closing address Miguel Á. García-Fuentes | REMOURBAN Project Coordinator. CARTIF |