The core of the project is the development and validation of a sustainable urban regeneration model in three Lighthouse cities (Valladolid, Nottingham, Tepebasi) and 2 follower cities (Seraign and Miskolc) and its replication potential to support the transformation of other European cities into Smart cities. Disseminating and communicating the concepts and achievements of the project is thus a key issue for REMOURBAN to support replicability not only in terms of visibility but as a responsibility to meet the 2020 societal challenges, making sure that EU funding and investments deliver tangible impacts to be replicated in other private and public funding programmes, supporting the development of new technologies and innovations and new markets for innovative products and services, provide concrete solutions for societal challenges, among them climate, transport, energy. A sound strategy is therefore necessary to ensure the good management of the overall dissemination and communication activities, defining goals and objectives, targets, tools and channels to maximise the outreach.
Another key aspect of REMOURBAN with a direct impact on communications is the development of an urban regeneration strategy focussed on citizens and developed with the citizens, in line with Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Citizens will not only stand to benefit the most from the urban regeneration activities, but they will be the common thread throughout each participating city.
Deliverable D6.1 will be subject to yearly revisions and updates during the project in order to fine tune the dissemination and communication objectives with potential new communication tools and dissemination channels, which may appear during the lifetime of the project.