The objective of this deliverable is to evaluate the PPP scheme as a possible applicable innovative solution to develop smart city projects in Europe, without the EU program such as Horizon 2020, but through a partnership between private and public entities that could be financed also by EU grants.
Innovative PPP solutions can support the development of a financial model adapting them for each necessity because there is not a general legislation, but it differs in relation to the specific country.
What is a PPP scheme and what are the steps necessary to organize and prepare it? Who are the private and public actors involved? Which are the risks and benefits that must be considered? The report is answering these questions, explaining the implementation process of this kind of financial schemes, with three best practices that could be taken into account as positive examples of PPP applications.
The PPP regulation in Europe, with a focus on the legislation in Belgium and Hungary, has been analysed to understand if this kind of innovative financial scheme can be applied in Miskolc and Seraing respectively to implement a Smart city project. In addition all PPP schemes existing and applied today for a lot of projects financed by private and public entities are presented.
A focus is given on an innovative PPP, called “Blanding PPP”, used to finance the Smart city projects with a PPP financed by EU funds.