An important aim of this document, developed in the framework of WP5 dedicated to replication, is to assist cities, in particular the ones classified as second tier, in identifying those interventions that are deemed to be the most suitable in terms of responding to the local needs and challenges on an affordable manner without running into social rejection.
The report focuses on:
- Describing the features of the ‘supply’ side by introducting the list of intervetions (i.e.: technologies in the area of sustainable energy, mobility and ICT and also methodologies developed for accelerating the urban transformation through smart means) demonstrated in the Lighthouse Cities within the project and a methodology for how to offer the solutions through well-equipped packages that are as ‘easy to handle’ as possible;
- Characterizing the demand represented by cities/districts, according to physical, social, strategic, financial, and technical (energy, mobility and ICT as above) features; cities should be enabled to assess the respective replication potential through identifying their current status, city cluster5, respective proposals for strategies, priorities and technologies;
- The enablers of smart urban transformation with regards to financial, political, social and technical players as well as solutions the application of which can effectively contribute to elimination of non-technical barriers.
The target group of this document embraces a wide range of interested actors: starting from REMOURBAN (‘contracted’) follower cities, it addresses other ‘external’ cities having interest in potentially replicating the demonstrated solutions, citiy administration professionals, strategy builders, city planners, as well as financial players incl. intermediaries and local fund raiser experts, to even the final end-beneficiaries of urban regeneration projects/programmes themselves: the citizens to whom this document is also publicly available