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4,500 kWh/person.yr
1,485 kg of CO2/person.yr
8,340 kWh/person.yr
2,752 kg of CO2/person.yr
12,840 kWh/person.yr
4,237 kg of CO2/person.yr
Major challenge for REMOURBAN is to reduce the impact of the daily activities of the citizens,which can be expressed by the following major indicators:
Total investment in REMOURBAN actions: 14,2 M € (90% public)
Energy savings: 6,858.735 MWh/yr (40%)
CO2 emissions avoided: 2,841.40 TnCO2/yr (50%)
Cizitens directly involved in demos: 14,620
Direct job creation: 187
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 646511