Its wide-scope activity embracing also economy development activities is the token of the town’s dynamic development.
Affiliated corporations ensure services necessary for everyday life, they operate the district heating-, water- and sewage services, waste management, public transportation and parking system.
Town planning, townscape rejuvenation, town maintenance and downtown rehabilitation coordination constitute integral part of their activities
Miskolc Heat supply Ltd., MIVIZ Miskolc Waterworks Ltd and MVK Miskolc Transport Company are one of the most accentuated energy consumers, so the realization of this project would have significant effect on these sectors. Two affiliate companies (AVE Miskolc Ltd. And Miskolc Holding Zrt. Has 2575 employees in its affiliate companies, its own organization coordinates the functioning and development of the affiliates with 22 employees with wide range of knowledge in technology, eonomy, law, marketing, etc. and with several years’ basis in management skills.
Miskolc Holding Zrt. Defines development strategy on a general basis for all the affiliates, besides coordinating the strategy planning of each company (including the above mentioned companies associated with environmental technology) on the corporate level. Miskolc Holding Zrt. has excellent infrastructural capability concerning both office buildings and technical background . For more information visit
Mr. István Nagy