The Horizon 2020 objectives and particularly those of the REMOURBAN project are vital to the successful integration of a city’s infrastructure and NCC is committed to delivering a reduction in CO2 emissions and reducing energy consumption through this project and through other activities.
NCC is one of the few UK cities that still either owns, or has a substantial stake in the city’s infrastructure. The district heating system, one of the largest in Europe, is owned by NCC, as is the social housing, managed by Nottingham City Homes. Nottingham City Transport is 80% owned by NCC and includes a fleet of electric buses and others that run on new, low carbon, fuels. NCC is also developing a cycle path network that will link up to the national Sustrans initiative.
Ms. Alison Stacey from Economic Development
Phone 0115 8764471
Mr.Bernie Yorston from Economic Development
Phone 0115 8764485